by admin | Oct 20, 2020 | DD&B News
Anne Arundel County, Maryland, theatre construction
DD&B is the low bidder on the Amphitheater project for Anne Arundel County, Maryland. This successful bid is for a unique Downs Park Amphitheater ground-up project. The project is being built within a wetland region and consists of unique wood...
by admin | Sep 5, 2020 | DD&B News
Church Construction, Maryland, Metro Washington, New Construction
Jain Society of Metropolitan Washington selects DD&B Construction for phased construction of new Temple building in suburban Maryland. Construction starting October 2020 and will be phased.
by admin | Aug 14, 2020 | DD&B News
Austin, Construction Developers, Residential Construction, Texas
DD&B working with Austin Texas developers to build residential homes within downtown Austin Texas. Projects to start 4th Quarter of 2020
by admin | Aug 6, 2020 | DD&B News
multi-story construction, New Construction, San Antonio, Texas
DD&B San Antonio Texas office lands TRU hotel ground up 5 Story construction project. The project consists of bearing metal walls and precast plank construction.